USB Drives have indeed revolutionized the manner we used to carry and share data. In the present world, USBs have become one of the fundamental gadgets that every computer user should have. Relatively, we have found that there is a huge competition in this much sought after gadget’s market. There are thousands of companies which employ new and crazy designs to manufacture USBs every month.
Here’s a list of some amazing and extremely creative USB designs that we’ve so far come across. Have a look! Do tell in comments which one is your favorite!
Shoe USB –>
Cat Paw USB –>
Buffalo USB –>
Transformers USB –>
Angry Birds USB –>
Crime Scene Finger USB –>
Design Finite USB –>
Creative USB –>
Elephant USB –>
Fish USB –>
Folder USB –>
Grenade USB –>
Yummy Hamburger USB –>
Cute Kitty USB –>
Key USB –>
Lego Brick USB –>
Light Bulb USB –>
Pod Drive USB –>
Pizza USB –>
Ninja USB –>
Lock USB –>
Pen USB –>
Funny Sperm USB –>
Robot USB –>
Rubber Man USB –>
Teddy USB –>
Lighter USB –>
Syringe USB –>
Coin USB –>
Sushi USB –>
Weapon USB –>
Sunglasses USB –>
Banana USB –>