The whole market is shifting and just as everyone is thinking of getting ahead in the tech race, why would anyone assume that Samsung will stop. Recently the company acquired a new company called Proximal Data, which is a software developer related to the server market.
Proximal was one picked for the honor by Samsung’s ownership, because the software is unique in the way it caches Input/Output in the virtual part of the server and thus helps in boosting the SSD market response. Seems samsung is really excited to earn its name in the solid state device market along with Servers.
All the other financial details of this deal were kept private. Proximal which is centrally based in San Diego, California has really developed something new here. According to a product briefing, the software works in collaboration with other server virtualization softwares like the VMware. Its AutoCache service program attatches itself into the softwares and keeps a constant eye on all the input and output. Out of these, the most used ones are cached directly in the local PCIe flash card or the SSD, to provide faster access to data.
But jst doing tht is not enough. Now the hot I/O are stored, there is the need of an intelligence embedded in the circuitry to read and thus provide the server with required data streams directly from cache without any storage access permissions.
CEO of Proximal Data, Rory Bolt is taking the high road with this deal as he positively hopes that the this deal will enhance the Autocache software in the future along with more products on the enterprise storage side. Rory is a big name in the storage and software market, as he has been previously involved in three startups including the enterprise class data protection software company named Avamar technologies, sold to EMC in 2006.
There is no doubt that this deal with help Samsung expand its SSD business since the software mainly addresses to the I/O Bottleneck problems which is a very big problem in virtual server environments. AutoCache very efficiently manages all the cache I/O with minimizing the use of Guest OS resources, which is really good thing in the business. Proximal works with standard flash cards or SSD in the virtual servers such as Microsoft Hyper-v or VMware ESXi.
This is not allegedly the first time that Samsung has applied the same strategy as other tech giants are using like Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc. which simply includes buying out the companies and services who could be used for company’s future. Samsung bought “Nvelo”, another company based in Santa Clara, California in 2012 which is specialized in SSD caching and for the better part of the year all its new SSD have been using its technology.
For Samsung, as the history shows, all the other software seem like a big key factor in differentiating which company is better than others, as basically Samsung belongs to the hardware market, and yet the company is also focusing at the same time on newer chip level technologies.
It even made it clear that they have started the mass production of its 3 dimensional vertical NAND flash memory to be used in the SSDs, which provided much higher storage density (32 vertically stacked cells) almost up to a total of 128 GBs per chip.
Awesome! seems not that much of a surprise with the way the company is looking forward to newer and newer technologies. What comes out of this new deal, time will sure show us, till then Good luck to Samsung.
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