Tag: convert

  • Advanced partition manager to convert MBR to GPT disk

    Advanced partition manager to convert MBR to GPT disk

    GPT (GUID Partition Table) is fairly new partitioning system which was introduced in 2010 to allow the seamless management of implications of large capacity Hard Disk Drives. It was developed as the part of UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, which is the replacement of PC Bios) when existing widespread ‘MBR’ system couldn’t handle HDD larger than 2 TB.

    The MBR partitioning scheme stores block addresses in 32-bit, which limits the maximum partition entries to 232x512 (or 2TB). As you have figured it out already, 2TB is comparatively small space today.  If you are wondering what is that GPT does differently, the answer is pretty simple — they use 64-bit and extends the capacity to store partition entries to 9.4 ZB (Zeta Byte) or 10 093 173 145.6 TB. Phew!

    Almost all modern OS supports GPT file system given that your computer setup is capable of using it. Microsoft outlines the benefits of using GPT and even suggested that one should use any third party tools to convert the existing MBR partition into GPT disk:

    You can do this yourself by reformatting the drive using the instructions below, or if you need to preserve the data, use a third-party utility to convert the drive to GPT format.

    In addition to the ability to handle fairly large capacity HDD, GPT disk can also allow to overcome the limitation of maximum 4 partition creation on MBR. The GPT drive format lets you set up drives that are larger than 4 terabytes (TB), and lets you easily set up as many partitions as you need.

    Why use third party tools?

    Why would Microsft suggest us to use third party software when we can easily convert our HDD using ‘windows Disk Management’ tool? Well, it is true that we can use the default Windows tool to convert MBR to GPT disk but at the expense of our valuable data being wiped out entirely. As Microsoft suggested on their official website, one should use third party utilities or tools to convert MBR to GPT without data loss.

    But wait! They didn’t mention which tool. Don’t worry that’s what we are here for.

    Now that Windows 10 is on the way and HDD has been cheaper than ever, this is the right time to get your Hard Disk ready for the big upgrade. I went ahead searched for the tool that could convert my disk and I wanted it to be easy. That’s when I stumbled upon this interesting tool — EaseUS Partition Master.

    mbr to gpt easeus partition master


    Converting a disk into GPT had never been easier. You just need to follow three steps to achieve this:

    1. Download and launch EaseUS Partition Master.

    mbr to gpt

    2. Select the MBR disk that you want to convert to GPT disk. And then click “Convert MBR to GPT”.

    MBR to GPT disk without any data loss


    3. Click Apply, you will see that the MBR disk has been converted to GPT disk without any data loss.

    Convert MBR disk to GPT disk

    To know More about partition external hard drive with EaseUS Partition Master, go to EaseUS official website.

  • [How To] convert any image into folder icon [Images]

    [How To] convert any image into folder icon [Images]

    Yeah, I agree there are some applications that can help you change the folder color and you can easily change the folder icon using the “properties” context menu.

    But, have you ever tried to change the folder icon to your favorite image? The thing is that you can’t change the folder icon into the image you want it to be, simply because windows can only recognize the icons with it’s unique file extension — “.ico” – leaving you with the manual image conversion process.

    Even if you are stubborn and want to do things manually, it would consume lots of time and needs some considerable amount of efforts to convert 100s of images into .ico file – and sometimes, you don’t get the good results with the image conversion tools, because they cannot retain the same image quality as the source file.

    We came across a really simple and beautiful tool that accomplishes the same task, but with minimal efforts and a negligible amount of time. “Folder Changer” is the utility that can change the folder color according to your preference, and it does convert any picture/image into a folder icon.

    Let’s have a look at the steps you need to follow to get this work.



    1. Download the software “FolderChanger” and install the software

    2. Select “Photo/Add Your Own” tab of FolderChanger.

    3. Drag and drop your favorite photo into FolderChanger.

    select image and drap and drop in the application

    4. Wait a few seconds for PhotoChanger to convert your photo into an icon.

    5. Drag and drop your Desktop folder over the icon inside FolderChanger.Folder changer image