Home Online Services & Tools Google course builder may be the future of open source learning

Google course builder may be the future of open source learning


Google is well known for its great innovative tools which helps millions of people every month to actually reap something beneficial or useful for them. They recently released another useful tool on the internet which can basically be helpful for the people who might seek knowledge on internet.

The open source course builder project lets anyone make their own learning resources, complete with scheduled activities and lessons. It is another very interesting and effective tools which gets “power searching with Google” to the next level.

The power-searching course “was a strong success and also generated some technology that we thought would be useful to share with the world,” says Norvig.

There are many websites, such as Udemy, that have long offered services for individual users to create (and get paid) for their own classes. Universities, however, are looking for an in-house solution, and a common code-base to evolve custom courses could be helpful.

Google Wrote on their research blog:

The Course Builder open source project is an experimental early step for us in the world of online education. It is a snapshot of an approach we found useful and an indication of our future direction.

Stanford University, Indiana University, UC San Diego, saylor.org, LearningByGivingFoundation.org, Swiss Federal Institure of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), and a group of universities in spain led by Universia, CRUE and Banco Santander-Universidades are considering how this experimental technology might work for some of their online courses.

There will be an option which will help educators to connect to the Google team working on the code directly via Google Hangouts.

[source: Google course builder, Google Research blog]



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