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First look at Ubuntu for Android


Till date we had only heard rumors and seen still images of that project. But today Canonical released a video from the Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL) 13 event held in Porto Alegre, Brazil showing a device running Ubuntu and explained many of its features.

Canonical had claimed that the Ubuntu for Android,

“transforms your high-end phone into your productive desktop, whenever you need it.”

While it does look doing exactly that.

In the video, they have plugged the phone into the dock that led to the launch of Ubuntu system. No emulation was there by any means and it used all the power the phone has to offer. Which means that system features like notifications could be swapped between Ubuntu and Android seamlessly. Now the next thing that Ubuntu is supposed to have is the permission of OEMs like HTC, Samsung, Motorola would have to be interested in this project and give Ubuntu the access to their drivers for their devices.

While many experts are debating over whether Ubuntu for Android will prove to be the future of personal computing and that the desktop computers will become obsolete. We believe that both have their own future, their own use and limitation, it depends on the purpose you use it for. Something becomes “obsolete” when the all its functionality can be performed by newer technology taking resource consumption in mind. Mobile devices may well become more “mainstream” however.



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