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Fundawear – The future of foreplay is here!


Do you have a distant relationship? Then it might be the right time for you to make a turnaround. A new piece of technology can now strengthen the bond between you and your partner. Durex, the masters of condom making have devised a new technology that is named fundawear.

The new pair of underwear has been made specially from fabric co-entangled with some electro components that act like transducers. The underwear is linked with a smartphone app that can be used to make specific parts of the underwear vibrate by tapping in the app. fundawear has been specifically designed to transfer every sensation from the smartphone effectively to the underwear wirelessly. The vigor of your touch and specificity are all transferred in such a way that you might feel the presence of your loved one for a moment.

This new technology has been developed especially for the loved ones who are separated and need something more out of their relationship. The thing is that they both need to be connected mutually to the internet for this service. Each and every set of underwears must be linked to a particular copy of the app and that means that gifting a pair to one another could be the best way that online foreplay can be achieved. If you are thinking that this might be too complicated then you are wrong. Even a kid can use this app, and believe me that you don’t want that to happen, especially when you are the one wearing the related fundawear. The garments available are Bras, Panties and briefs and You can suggest if you want it anywhere else.

For now, the technology is not available for sale, don’t be disappointed as Durex is gifting them free on their facebook page right now. The future after this tech seems to guide our imaginations towards different ways. Some might say that the era of online sex has finally arrived after the era of online friendship, marriage, jobs, society etc.

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